Last updated: 6/21/2024

Nestled deep within the forests on the outskirts of the harbor lies a quiet meadow, home to a calm brook, a few mighty trees, and 9 Power Stars. Someone seems to have build a mysterious cabin close by as well. I wonder if anyone is home...

Smoke and Glimmers!

A strange smoke rises from the forest cabin chimney. It seems to be leading to riches!

Secret of the Sap!

The plentiful sap of the southeastern tree beckons you to the top!

Gone with the Wind!

The dandelion pappusses are flying away! Follow their trail!

Pining for the Stars!

The southwestern tree holds a fierce wallkick challenge within!

Gone Gardening!

Something shiny awaits in the dangerous garden of flowers!

Spruce Spire!

Treasure is hidden away within the leaves of the great tree to the northeast!

Lumber Jack!

Something in the forest cabin might help you jack some of this lumber!

Red Rooms!

Eight Red Coins are waiting to be found in the forest cabin!

100 Coins of the Meadow!

Collect at least 100 of the plentiful coins scattered about the meadow!