Alphabet Story

A tall, young boy gawked drowsily at his reflection in the mirror. Brushing his frizzy hair, he yawned as the boy gawking back at him did also. Casually rubbing the sleepiness from his eyes, he set the brush back upon the nightstand. Driving up to Felix’s house, Victor sounded the horn.

“Everyone’s waiting, Felix!” Jared yelled from Victor’s car as he hung out the passengers’ side window.

Felix jumped at the sound. Glancing at the clock, he realized that he had slept in. He dashed to the window, opened it, and looked down to Victor’s car.

“I’ll be down in a sec!” he shouted to Victor and Jared, who were in the car, ready to go. Jared sighed and pulled himself back into the car.

Kissing his mother goodbye, Felix fled from the house and hopped in the back of the car. Looking back with a wave, Felix, Jared, and Victor drove away from the house.

“Much into fishing, Felix?” Jared muttered to Felix later down the road.

“Not really. On most occasions, I just sit and watch the scenery. Probably, that’s what I will do this time.”

“Quite the restful type, eh?” Victor asked, “Really, you need more adventure on our fishing trips. Sitting around won’t get you anywhere. Try fishing at least once, why don’t you.”

Upon their arrival, Victor and Jared immediately grabbed their supplies and scuttled down to the lake, Felix slowly dragging himself from behind. Victor was the first to set up his pole. Without hesitation, Victor launched his bobbin and hook into the lake, soon followed by Jared. Exhilaration filled Victor and Jared as they quickly caught their first bites. Z’s were the only thing Felix was catching by now.