
My uncle is very ill. It is said that he will not be able to hold out much longer because of the accident in the lab. As one of his final wishes, he wanted to hand down to me his beloved notebook that he always kept with him. I was to write about how I continued his legacy as the Stardust Scientist. He felt that his connection with the sacred pages of the book was so strong that he would be able to read what I have transcribed. I never quite understood what he meant by that. I often saw him pull the book out from his preposterous blue-striped flannel jacket and flip through the barren pages, gazing at them curiously. I would never ask why, for I feared that he would give yet another confusing answer like he always did. I'll never understand old men.

I promise this to you, uncle. I will live out your purposes, recording every detail I can for you. I will tell you my story as I make your dreams come true.


Here I sit, gazing over your somnolent body. Young nurses are waving some type of laser-producing device over you. She says it monitors your condition as well as eliminates traces of poison within you. You never taught me too much about that field of modern science. But I am sure you understand more than I. I continue to glimpse over you as I sense your presence fading. I try to reflect on how we spent our days discovering the secrets of astronomy, time, and space...and eat PineberryFruits. We were going to be famous as the Stardust Scientists. I knew for sure that we would be able to embrace each other soon and bound out of the infirmary together. I just know it! Goodnight for now, I only hope that, tomorrow, the winds of fate will bring me a better, promising luck.


I spent the entire day at your side, nibbling on PineberryFruits as I watched the nurses monitor your unconscious body intensely. I didn't begin to worry until her movements became rigid and frantic. A few of them chatted among each other in a quiet panic as they eyed me with horror. They led me out of the room and back to my hotel. I can only wonder what had happened. Goodnight for now, I only hope that, tomorrow, the winds of fate will bring me a better, promising luck.


Today was the day where I lost all hope in the world. I had just received the news of your passing. Without you, I have no will to move on. I don't think I can carry out your legacy as I had promised. I hope you forgive me as you read this from beyond. And understand my knowing tears that shower gently upon these sacred pages. I'm so sorry...


Guess what I found in the bottom of my lab papers. A strange old book with scribbles from a selfish kid who was willing to give up his dreams and duties because of his own self pity. It seemed so easy to this kid just to give up on everything because his uncle is gone. But he only gave up for a short time; A few years at most.I'm back, uncle. I'll never let you down like that again. But, according to your last notes, you were onto something revolutionary! ...I'll need to take a better gander at your papers and study them all I can. But I'm having zero luck. Goodnight for now, I only hope that, tomorrow, the winds of fate will bring me a better, promising luck.


Oops. I got a coffee stain on the page! I... Uhm... just thought you might like some coffee. I need all I can, I just can't stay awake. Goodnight for now, I only hope that, tomorrow, the winds of fate will bring me a better, promising luck.


You, my beloved uncle, are the true genius. You may or may not have known that you have come upon something great! Here's how it went...

By using your notes, I was able to discover some odd radiation that is produced when mixing Stardust and the oil from a PineberryFruit. This radiation was then discovered to be fatal and highly explosive. This is caused by the pressure of gravitational force. So now I had to conduct my experiments in your ancient anti-gravity chamber. While fun, it was very difficult to keep track of the tools and materials floating around me. Once the Stardust and PineberryFruit oils were properly mixed, the strong radiation was once again emitted. I began to feel very sick, so I left the chamber and examined the items from outside. It's best if I get some rest... I feel awful. It must be that radiation, eh? Goodnight for now, I only hope that, tomorrow, the winds of fate will bring me a better, promising luck.


Your notes ended at a crucial moment and I didn't know what to do. So, while working blindly, I landed myself into a coma somehow. Go me! That radiation is truly deadly.

My sister was able to sneak my journal from my lab coat just before the coat was sent to be... annihilated! Along with all my precious tools and doodads that were exposed to the radiation, too. The radiation is lethal and it's a stupid idea trying to mess with it. I'll never touch the stuff again! Goodnight for now, I only hope that, tomorrow, the winds of fate will bring me a better, promising luck.


The radiation I am getting from this Stardust and PineberryFruit concoction is stronger than ever!

After a month's "rest-up" time, I was quick to scurry back into the lab and continue my research. The radiation doesn't exactly become lethal until it obtains gravitational pressure. But, if my calculations on the chemistry are correct, the explosive components can be modified and converted into a highly useable fuel compound. Just how strong, I'm going to find out tomorrow. Goodnight for now, I only hope that, tomorrow, the winds of fate will bring me a better, promising luck.


I was able to modify the radiation produced by the "StarPineBerryDust" into the arrangement I needed. By using a miniature Zero-G Capsule, I collected a small sample of the radiation. My experiment was to see what would happen if a small amount of the modified radiation was suddenly pressurized with gravity while over a small flame. I made moderate distance between the test area and I and set the robotic lab equipment to open the capsule at the touch of a button. All was set and I eagerly had my hand over the button. With a push of the button, I watched the robotic arms go to work. Although, I recall seeing a flash of rippled darkness just before the capsule had opened. Although, I just thought I was seeing things. Even so, once the Zero-G Capsule was opened, nothing was to be found. Mm, yes... more studying and experiments are needed! Goodnight for now, I only hope that, tomorrow, the winds of fate will bring me a better, promising luck.


The question of the dark flash haunted me all day today. I had to redo the experiment! This time, I had my Hyper-Shutter Camera ready. I proceeded with the experiment exactly as I had done and, sure enough, there was a rippling darkness that shot through the air right before the capsule was opened. But the substance that was in the capsule before was now gone. Afterwards, I proceeded to obtain the information from the Hyper-Shutter Camera. Sure enough, A rippling darkness was coming from the Zero-G Capsule just before the robotic arms had opened it. I had also notices that the dark ripple appeared instantly before the Zero-G Capsule's contents became empty. More questions that require more answers! I'm going to stay up all night trying to solve this puzzle. Goodnight for now, I only hope that, tomorrow, the winds of fate will bring me a better, promising luck.


These discoveries are just unbelievable. When gravitational energy is applied to the modified radiation of the Stardust-PineberryFruit concoction, a vast quantity of energy is produced. This is an inexpensive and easy way to supply energy and fuel to almost everything. Though, I should keep this a secret and only tell you, uncle. For I believe it was you who originally developed this genius idea. I survived what you couldn't. So I feel it is my duty to carry out your legacy. But this is not the end of my discoveries, no, sir. If the energy becomes uncontrolled, it will fly away at amazing speeds. So fast. So very, very fast. Faster than the speed of light itself! In turn, it will push photons out of it's way like a mighty ship in the sea. The light will ripple away, and the modified radiation will leave a trail of darkness in its path. Oh, but there is even more, my dear uncle! The radiation is not only faster then the speed of light, but fast enough to break and distort the fourth dimension. That right: go back in time! ...Speaking of time... It's past my bedtime. Goodnight for now, I only hope that, tomorrow, the winds of fate will bring me even more luck! Huzzah!


Uhm... I'm scared. I was playing with that time-traveling, light-bullying radiation again. And, uh... I made a boo-boo. Yeah. I think I got caught in it's path. Now there's these crazy guys with diapers on their head going "Allah! Allah! Allah! Al-Qaeda! Taliban!" and they're really, really annoying and I have no idea where I am and I want to go home. But good thing I kept 3 spare capsules of the radiation with me.


It's cold... so very cold... and lonely. According to my calculations, the world blew up because politicians couldn't come to the simple agreement of leaving each other alone. ...I miss my old lab coat.

1-2-34567 B.C.

Mmm... Caveman Oonga Unga like make pretty marking with nifty rock in twig. But it no taste good.


I hope I made it home just fine. If you're reading this, all is well in my world once again. But now I have realized that I have written too many precious secrets into these pages. And I don't really believe you can read what I'm writing, uncle... I'm sorry. I have to rid myself of this journal.


The Stardust scientist let the path of the radiation and the journal cross, and they were seen no more.

Sometime, nearly two and a half years earlier, a great scientist and his nephew are about to conduct mysterious experiments with Stardust. Before they begin, the uncle takes a quick look into his rugged journal that has always been empty. He has always done so, hoping something would be written in it. To his surprise, words have actually appeared in the sacred pages. He nods knowingly as he reads through.

"...Wait, m'boy... I have a better idea. But we will try it tomorrow... Goodnight for now. Tomorrow's winds of fate have brought us a better, promising luck."